Monday, June 2, 2008

Chest and back acne ointment and do over the counter acne medication work

Lemon juice and rose water in equal amounts can serve as a great home treatment for acne. Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave there for half an hour and then wash it off. This method needs to be done for fifteen to twenty consecutive days before you can see the result. Fresh garlic is another home treatment for acne that could work since garlic is a great anti-septic. You only need to rub the pounded garlic cloves on the affected areas. You may feel a slight sting when you use this method.
The reason diet causes acne is because the food you eat can cause hormonal imbalance, resulting in acne, or hormonal balance, helping to prevent acne. Food is very powerful and you should learn more about it...
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tags: medicne on how to rid of acne, acne face lotion, my acne is only getting worse

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