Thursday, July 3, 2008

Over the counter acne products pregnancy and how to remove acne scars

I also recommend the potato method. As bizarre as it sounds, it yields the greatest of results. This is probably the most uncommon natural acne home treatment. You simply get a large potato, cut it in half. Then use the flat edge of the potato and rub it on the acne infected areas. There are certain properties in the potato that help break down the bacteria inside the pores, and the texture of the potato helps exfoliate, and removes any dead skin cells that may gather on your body.
The next step in the acne natural treatment plan is to pay more attention to the foods you are eating. While you may think you are eating a healthy diet, your body may not agree. Some people are allergic, or have adverse reactions, to some normally healthy foods.
Clean Your Face Regularly: Keeping your face clean is by far the most important step to living an acne free life. Just wash your regularly, or at least once in the morning and once before bedtime. For those who have long hair, keep that clean as well because the dirt trapped in your hair can transfer to your skin, causing irritation.
tags: aloe vera and cammomile health soap acne org, lemon oil for use with hormonal acne, average age of acne to stop

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