Monday, August 4, 2008

Fighting acne and acne post birth control

How to get rid of acne is not an easy task, even with all of the over the counter treatments and prescription medications that acne sufferers can use. This condition is still difficult to clear up once you have it.
So, what's next? My first suggestion is drink more water. That doesn't mean your beverage of choice, it means go to the kitchen and get a cup and start drinking that water! Here are some all-natural suggestions that worked for me. I eat a lot of foods that are rich in Omega 3. I eat green leafy vegetables by the ton. I eat salads almost every day.
I was gutted, as I knew it would not be possible to do that fast twice a month, for two reasons: 1) it's very hard to eat nothing but apples and leaves you with no energy at all, and 2) doing the fast that often might have been dangerous for me as I was already underweight and found that it made me lose some weight...
tags: complete body cleansing program help acne, makeup for acne prone skin, 10 foods that stop acne

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