Monday, August 4, 2008

How to get rid of acne marks and fostril acne cream

The best way to do this is to wash your acne ridden skin daily. Here's the important thing: whatever you do ensure that you do not use any form of rough cloth on your skin as this will irritate your acne and potentially cause more complication. Another important thing to remember is to never ever, under any circumstance attempt to scratch, pick or pop any form of acne. This can lead to scarring and potentially spreading of acne. If your acne spreads, you are being counter productive, so ensure you never do this. Another massive factor in acne treatment is your diet.
When you do find that acne appears on your back, a commonsense approach is not to wear tight clothes. In these days of fashion statements, this could be hard. However the important factor to remember is that you want to clear this skin disease up quickly and not have the condition advancing further. You also have to remember that the tight clothes will make your sensitive skin more irritated and as a consequence cause more of the acne.
Oatmeal surprise, as I like to call it. All you do is make up some oatmeal like you would for consumption, apply to your acne, then wash off after an hour or so. The oatmeal helps dry up any bacteria in the pores and then it draws it out after you wash your face afterwards.
tags: best hormonal acne treatment, best foundation combination acne prone skin, home remedies to get rid of acne

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